Part 113: Dight NPC Chatter 12
Welcome back.
The most exciting thing I can say about this part is that at some point around here, Dight goes back to the version of its music that it was using before Typhoon Tower.

: Sue had to go home.

: Gone home? Oh, that's too bad. I had set aside some Flying Dragon meat for her to have.

: I'm sure Sue will be delighted to eat some when she visits Dight again with us.
Yep, even in-game, it's canon that Sue wants to eat a fucking dragon.

: I must say you're being reckless, but I guess it's not too dangerous for you folks. Still, most people would avoid the Sea of Mermaids at all costs. Be very careful. I don't know much about mermaids. What little I know is from the tales my great-grandfather told. He said that, long ago, a friend of his boasted he would catch a mermaid. He went out in his fishing boat, and a half year later his battered boat washed ashore here at the village. There was no one aboard. Legend has it that a spell was cast upon all the mermaids. I don't know if it's true or not.
It's kinda disheartening how many interesting things are hidden away that nobody sees, just due to the sheer volume of NPCs and how the game tends to herd you from one cutscene to the next.
And that's not even touching on the stuff that doesn't get used in-game, but that's another update.

: I'm not sure. Nothing really suits my fancy, I guess. They all have their advantages and drawbacks. Hmm... what should I do?

: Well, uh... um... something came up. She had to go back home.

: Oh, is that right? Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. Baby birds leave the nest when spring ends, and baby whales leave their parents in summer. Such events are sad good-byes, but they are part of what makes the seasons change. Ha ha! I'm getting too preachy in my old age! It's just an old man's muttering.
But he does bring up a good point. We've been hanging around Dight for an awfully long time. I don't think there's any other town in the game that's available for as long as Dight is.

: Yeah, I suppose so, but don't you think it's too dangerous? Well, after what you've been through already, you must not be worried about crossing that sea.

: Um....

: What do you mean my "Um"?

: Um....

: Look, I said I don't understand "Um"!
Say "um"! Say "um" one more goddamn time!

: Sorry, but this is hard for him. He just split up with a good friend. Please excuse him.

: I didn't get it at first when he said "Every day, I'll catch and bring home fish for you to eat". It meant he wants me to be his wife! ♥ When he said "I'll catch and bring home fish for you to eat" I was just blown away. ♥ Even though that's such a plain old way to propose, I was touched.
I guess that's their backup plan if the whole Island of No Pants thing doesn't work?

: If anyone can cross the Sea of Mermaids, I'm sure it's you, Justin. But please be very careful out there.

: I'll must all of you, too.

: But interesting new experiences lie ahead. That thought makes it hard to stay.

: Yes, I suppose you're right. I don't suppose it's fair for Dight to monopolize the Spirits' Chosen Hero. Every time we see the Dragon's Nest we'll be thinking of you. Please come back sometime.

: But, at some point, we stopped migrating and settled in one place. I dunno if this applies to you. You have the strength to travel. You're free-spirited and mobile. You should cherish that ability. There are many things I would like to discuss with you next time you honor Dight with a visit.

: that it's hard to decide. I know, I shouldn't complain. This is such a luxury compared to the past. I know! Let's have sushi! It's been so long since we could, and now we've got fresh fish!

: Could that lost letter be a love letter?!

: What?! Wait, no, it's not the letter I lost at Dr. Alma's place. I mean... ha ha ha ha ha!

: Boy, he sure is nervous!

: No... it was just a plain ol' letter. I wrote a letter about having a check-up at Dr. Alma's. That's all! So, you understand. It wasn't a... a luh... a love letter or anything.

: Oh, yeah! Very nice in a lot of ways. I'll remember Dight as long as I live.

: It's wonderful to hear you say that. I mean, you helped to save Dight. We'd hardly want to displease you. We, the People of the Flying Dragon, will never forget our hero Justin. The Brave One who came from abroad.

: You don't have any idea what's waiting for you on the other side, do you? Is that really OK with you?

: Maybe what awaits us there is an even greater adventure! That's more than OK. I can't wait!

: Hmm... you're protected by the Spirits so I guess you'll be safe anywhere.
Got some bad news for you, Datt.

: How should I explain this? Sue has gone back to her home in Parm, a town that is far to the west.

: What...?! So, Sue's gone home, huh? Man, that really makes me mad! I was gonna let her eat some of the fish I'm gonna catch! Why'd she do something dumb like go home?!

: When I get bigger, and I learn how to handle a boat, I'll take you anywhere you want.

: I'd love to travel in your boat next time we're back in Dight.

: Is that a promise? Will you come back? Just wait-- you'll see what a great fisherman I'll be by then!

: Don't worry. Sue and I will come back to visit this village again some day. I'll be sure to bring Sue along.

: After we go to Alent, we'll be sure to stop by Dight on the way back. We can all have an adventure then!
Holy crap, the old guy in House 5 has something new to say!

: Ha ha! Please, don't embarrass me. I get a funny feeling when people flatter me so much.

: That's right, sir. Justin gets all giddy when anyone praises him.

: Well, anyway, take care of yourselves. Please come back to Dight any time. You're more than welcome.

: I've got hulls to fix, sails to men, cosmetic repairs to do, oars to make, and even new boats to build! It's just too bad there's only one of me! I'm not complaining, though. This is so much better than when the toxic rain fell and I had no work at all. You won't hear any griping from me! Well, I gotta get back to work now.

: You don't know how bad it is out there. Even Dight's fishermen stay away from those mermaids! But I guess if anyone could do it, it's you guys. Still, be extra careful, OK? We're so indebted to you, and we'll all miss you very much when you leave. Please come back soon. We're waiting!
And with that, it's time to go beat up Gadwin and steal his boat. Tune in next time, for the conclusion of Disc 1's NPC chatter!